The Ballerina

Raneen longs to learn ballet more than anything else in the world. She watches the ballet show on televesion and finds the ballerinas to be very elegant and beautiful. Nevertheless, on enrolling in ballet class, she finds it tough to follow the teacher’s steps and constantly falls and hurts herself. She becomes infuriarated because she sees that she is the only one who cannot do the moves in class and is tempted to drop out.She rants to her mother and decides to give up on her dream of dancing.Raneem’s parents, on the other hand, gently encourage her to continue with her lessons and help her practice to regain the confidence she needs in order to pursue her ambition. The Ballerina teaches the value of perseverance to children and emphazises that determination is the way to fulfil one’s dream.
Illustrator Michele Standjofski
Author Abir Ballan
Publishing Year 2010
Cover Type Paperback
Age Group 6+
Publishing House Kalimat
ISBN 978-9948-15-533-1-hc
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